Hey I'm D24, a Backend Developer.
I'm a 16 Year Old Backend Developer from the Uk. I mainly use TypeScript & React for Projects such as Discord Bots and Dashboards. I've been developing since I was around 10 and I've loved every second of it, if you can't tell I love TypeScript alot. I try do some frontend here and here but I honestly give up as CSS is a bit of a pain in the arse x
Some more facts about me! I'm a fairly big Arctic Monkeys fan (I've got about 20 posters and 10 hoodies), I've been on Discord since 2019 and I've had 2 accounts since joining, I taught myself Python when I was about 10 years old and since then I've learnt about 15 different languages, I hate CSS with a passion because it's annoying haha, I've lived in London my whole life, and I've got about 3 years of experience in Staff Management and Community Management.
I use a variety of tools to streamline my development process and increase the quality of both my code, and my projects. Below is a list of technologies and languages I've had experience with in the past, or use currently. (Yea I've tried out alot)
  • d24.lol